Welcome from the beginning

Frühe Hilfen Oberursel

Emergency situations triggered, for example, by illness, separation or excessive demands can affect anyone. Nowadays, the lack of family and social ties often exacerbates stressful situations, even in families with infants and young children.

We would like to provide on-site and very personal information about the wide range of services available for young families in Oberursel. By employing trained family sponsors, we are able to provide families with competent and reliable support in the event of an emergency.

We also coordinate the welcome visit "Glad you're here". Trained family visitors greet all young families in the city with a small welcome gift and information about offers for "big and small" in Oberursel. The family visitor has an open ear for all concerns of parents.

Drawn stork child

Wichtige Adressen

Sie wollen auch Netzwerkpartner werden? Kontaktieren Sie uns.


If you have any questions or need advice, please do not hesitate to contact our pedagogical coordinator Ms Verena Winterle by phone or simply come by in person.

Oberursel City Hall, Room E14
Telephone: 06171 502-235
E-mail: fruehehilfen@oberursel.de
Office hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8:30 - 14:00 or appointment by arrangement

Photo of Verena Winterle

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