Therapon24 premium care GmbH & Co KG

Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 82
61348 Bad Homburg
Contact details
Tel.: 06172 / 17 17 68-0
Fax: 06172 / 17 17 68-10
Opening hours / Consultation hours
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday 8 am - 5 pm
On-call service:
- outside office hours
Contact person (for networking and cooperation)
- Ulrike Müller
- Home help
- Family care
- Childcare
- Treatment care/domestic care Nursing care
"Frühe Hilfen" service (0-6 Jahre)
Childcare and domestic support in the following situations:
- The parent responsible for the care of the children is ill at home or in hospital and the children need to be looked after, or
- this parent is about to take a cure and the children need to be looked after for a short or long period of time, or
- there are family members to care for. Help is needed in these cases.
- The woman is pregnant and needs help in the household during pregnancy / a high-risk pregnancy after delivery.
Conceptual / Special features
- Children can be cared for in their familiar and usual environment.
- Everyday family life is maintained.
- Care is provided according to the respective time and content requirements.
Team / Staff members
- Housekeeping staff
- Care workers
- Participation assistants
Target group / eligibility criteria
- Families
- Single parents
- Disabled
- Seniors (no exclusion criteria)
Costs / Access requirements
- Cost absorption by statutory health and long-term care insurance funds
- by the Hochtaunuskreis
- Department of Social Services
- and Youth Welfare Office