Social Psychiatric Service of the Hochtaunus District

Hochtaunuskreis, Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst,
Eingang 3, 5. Stock,
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1-5, 61352 Bad Homburg
Tel.: 06172/999-5151 or in case of substitution 999-5153 or 5156
FAX: 06172/9999827 (in case of illness the mail will not be forwarded)
Opening hours / Consultation hours
- By arrangement
Contact person (for networking and cooperation)
- Head of Department Mr. Miot
- or Head of Department Mr. Dr. med. Pauly
Counselling and support for mentally impaired:
- parents
- adults and their relatives
- friends and acquaintances
- Personal counselling within the framework of home visits Counselling
- and support for people with addictive disorders
"Frühe Hilfen" service ( 0 - 6 Jahre )
- Offers are aimed at mentally impaired parents
Conceptual / Special features
- Home visits possible
Team / Staff members
- Specialist service with doctors and socio-educational specialists
foreign language competence / competence in the field of migration
- English
Target group / eligibility criteria
Mentally impaired:
- Adults
- Children
- and adolescents
are not a target group, they have to contact the youth welfare office
Costs / Access requirement
- none
Important cooperations / cooperation partners
- Psychiatry Network
- and psychosocial support