Perspektiven e.V. Oberursel

Perspektiven e.V. Oberursel
Perspektiven für Kinder
Alberusstr. 4
61440 Oberursel
- Stefan Bräuchle: 0152 / 259 962 64
- Renate Bock: 0157 / 715 334 14
- Claudia Schätzel: 0157 / 870 457 33
- Pia Schumacher: 06171 / 503-99 29
- Fax-Nr.: 06171 / 503-99 28
Opening hours / Consultation hours
- Available between 09:00 - 17:00
- Individual appointment
Contact person (for networking and cooperation)
- Renate Bock
- Claudia Schätzel
- Stefan Bräuchle
- Counselling and outpatient support for children, adolescents and young adults as well as their parents and relatives.
- Counselling of professionals
- Development of and support in the installation of far-reaching HIhelp.
- Guided visits
"Frühe Hilfen" service ( 0 - 6 Jahre )
- Monthly parent-child meeting on the first Thursday of the month between 2 and 4 p.m.
Conceptual / Special features
- Systemic approach
- Resource-oriented work
- No communal structure (outreach counselling possible in clinic and at home if required)
- Offers according to § 35a in cooperation with the youth welfare office
Team / Staff members
2 Sozialpädagoginnen:
- Renate Bock
- Claudia Schätze
1 Psychologe:
- Stefan Bräuchle
foreign language competence / competence in the field of migration
- English
Target group / eligibility criteria
- Kinder
- Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit einem oder zwei seelisch erkrankten Elternteilen
- Keine reguläre Erziehungsberatung
Costs / Access requirement
Cost-free offer
Important cooperations / cooperation partners
- Vitos Waldkrankenhaus Köppern
- Children's Aid Königstein