Preterm counselling Tailwind

Social-medical aftercare at the paediatric clinic of the varisano Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst


Nachsorgeteam der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin am Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst
Gotenstr. 6-8
65929 Frankfurt

Contact details

Mrs Evelyne Koch (Head of Aftercare)

Fon: 069-310650408
Fax: 069-31063572


Opening / consultation hours

  • Available by telephone from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • Appointments also out of hours 

Contact person (for networking and cooperation)

  • Andrea Christiansen (pediatric nurse, head of aftercare team) 
  • Catrin Schäfer (social pedagogue) 


Social medical aftercare according to § 43 Para. 2 SGB V for premature and chronically ill children in the transition between paediatric clinic and home environment.

“Early On Support” services (0 – 6 years)

  • Advice
  • Networking and coordination
  • Connection to therapists, SPC
  • Early intervention centres
  • Specialists
  • Other stakeholders from the health and social care system
  • Family therapy support
  • Social legal counselling

Concept / features

Built according to the Bunter Kreis model, member of the Bundesverband Bunter Kreis e.V., re-accredited according to the quality guidelines of the Bunter Kreis e.V.

Team / Staff members

  • Paediatric nurses (some with specialist training in intensive care medicine)
  • 1 social pedagogue
  • 1 family therapist
  • Paediatrician
  • Cooperation with other disciplines involved in the paediatric clinic 

Foreign languages competencies / knowledge in the area of migration

  • If necessary, interpreters can be called in, subject to agreement and availability. 
  • English conversation possible.

Target group / eligibility criteria

  • Children aged between 0-14 years
  • in exceptional cases also up to 18 years.
  • Focus on premature babies and children with various disabilities

Costs / admission requirements

  • Medical prescription
  • Regular assumption of costs by statutory health insurers
  • private health insurance companies on a case-by-case basis.
  • 20 follow-up hours within 12 weeks after hospital discharge. 

Wichtige Kooperationen / Kooperationspartner

  • Early help Frankfurt and surrounding area
  • Paediatricians, specialists, outpatient clinics
  • SPC 
  • Outpatient children's and youth hospice service
  • Therapists 
  • Early intervention centres 
  • Family education centres, counselling centres
  • Providers of medical aids