Hohemark Clinic


Friedländerstraße 2
61440 Oberursel

Contact details

Telefon: 06171/204-0
Telefax: 06171/204-8000
E-Mail: klinik@hohemark.de
Homepage: www.hohemark.de

Opening hours / Consultation hours

Counselling telephone:

  • 06171/204-3910
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10.00 - 11.00 am.

Contact person (for networking and cooperation)

Andreas Vogt ,
06171 / 204-1030



Online-Meeting für Väter, deren Partnerinnen oder sie selber psychiche Probleme haben.

Ebenso Väter, die sich in ihrer neuen Rolle nach der Geburt des Kindes noch nicht wirklich sicher fühlen und gerne mit Anderen darüber ins Gespräch kommen möchten

Offers in the area of "early help" (infants and very young children)

Inpatient treatment of mentally ill mothers together with their infant / toddler

Conceptual / Special features

The basic aim of mother-child treatment is to treat mentally ill mothers (around birth) without separating them from their child. In this way, both the mother's mental illness and an existing relationship disorder can be treated or a relationship disorder with the child can be prevented. Mothers with mental illnesses are treated, which occurred for the first time and/or suddenly during pregnancy and birth, or mothers who have had a mental illness for a long time.

Please address mails concerning mother-child treatment directly to: andreas.vogt@hohemark.de

Team / Staff members

Women and men from the following professional groups work in the team: Doctors, psychologists, nursing, design, occupational, body and movement therapy, social services.

Target group / exclusion criteria

Patients who require psychiatric intensive treatment, e.g.:

  • due to acute psychosis or acute suicidal tendencies
  • cannot be treated together with the child.
  • Addictive diseases only after detoxification and abstinence.

Costs / eligibility requirements

  • Access only via a detailed preliminary consultation.
  • Hospitalisation by the attending physician is sufficient.

Hohe Mark Clinic: Psychiatry - Psychotherapy - Psychosomatics