St. Ursula's Catholic Day Care Centre Kinderland

Marienstraße 3
61440 Oberursel
Contact details
Opening hours / Consultation hours
Central Parish Office St. Ursula:
- Monday to Friday 07.30 hrs to 16.45 hrs
Contact person (for networking and cooperation)
Elke Peglow
06171/97 98 015
Drop-In(clusive) St Ursula's Family Café
Target group / eligibility criteria
- Young families
- especially with children aged 0-3, who are looking for contact and conversation.
- There are no exclusion criteria.
Costs / Access requirements
The offer is free of charge.
No access requirements are necessary.
Important cooperations / cooperation partners
- City of Oberursel
Early Help Oberursel - Karl Kuebel Foundation
Catholic Family Education Centre
Team / Staff members
- Elisa Geißler (Head of the Drop-In(klusive) Family Café)
- Elke Peglow (Pastoral assistant of the parish of St. Ursula)
- Katrin Elsenheimer
- Tanja Regenfuß
- Daniela Kamm
- Daniela Grobien-Becker
- Christina Atzert
Conceptual / Special features
- Open meeting place for all
- No registration
- No obligation
- No fees
- Meeting place for young families
- Opportunity for conversation
- Playing together
"early help" services (0 - 6 years)
Drop-In(clusive) St Ursula's Family Café
Every Thursday
- 15:30 - 17:30
Town Hall Square 1
Hieronymi Hall, Oberursel Town Hall