Hebamme Katrin Gröger

Schöne Aussicht 15e
61389 Schmitten
Contact details
Opening hours / Consultation hours
- As agreed upon
Contact person (for networking and cooperation)
- Katrin Gröger
- Determination of pregnancy with issuance of the maternity passport
- Antenatal care
- Help with pregnancy complaints
- Video counselling during pregnancy
- Kinesiotaping
- Antenatal classes
- Baby preparation courses
- Individual counselling
- Support for small births (miscarriages)
- Postpartum care
- Counselling for breastfeeding difficulties
- Video counselling in the postpartum period
- Laser therapy, e.g. for sore nipples
- Advice on introducing complementary foods
- Postnatal gymnastics courses
Offers in the area of "early help" (0-6 years)
See all offers:
Conceptual / Special features
- Anthroposophical midwife
- SEIN courses, ElternSEIN - baby preparation course
- in cooperation with the team of the Waldorf Kindergarten Oberursel "Helmut von Kügelgen"
Team / Staff members
- Susanne Maiwald (Beratung)
- Mechthild Ott (Büro)
Target group / eligibility criteria
- Pregnant women and women in their postpartum period
Costs / Access requirements
Most services are covered by the health insurance fund.