Early Help Hochtaunuskreis
Early Help Hochtaunuskreis

Benzstraße 11
61352 Bad Homburg
Contact details
Kristina Preisendörfer
Elternberatung Frühe Hilfen
Tel: 06172 999 - 5745
E-Mail: kristina.preisendoerfer@hochtaunuskreis.de
Homepage: www.hochtaunuskreis.de/FH.html
Contact person (for networking and cooperation)
Frühe Hilfen Oberursel
Verena Winterle
Telefon: 06171 5022-35
E-Mail: verena.winterle@oberursel.de
The parent counselling service of the early help counsels you from pregnancy until the child is three years old. Questions regarding important tasks before and after the birth can be discussed.
Our counselling is available to both adolescent and adult pregnant women, and parents with children up to the age of 3 are also welcome.
Parental counselling is free of charge and takes place by telephone, on our premises or, if you wish, at your home.
We are bound by professional secrecy. The discussions are confidential and anonymous if you wish. Contents are only passed on to third parties with your wish and consent.
Our services are available to all nationalities. If there are language barriers, we can arrange for an interpreter to accompany you.
We inform you among other things about:
- Finding a midwife and appointing a family midwife for the first year of the child's life.
- Financial benefits, such as maternity allowance, parental allowance, child benefit, alimony, advance alimony, social benefits (applications can be prepared together)
- Acknowledgement of paternity and declaration of custody in the case of non-married couples (if necessary, we can put you in touch with the relevant authorities).
- Childcare options in the HTK
- Baby courses and parenting courses
- Consultation hours for crying babies
- We name other institutions or counselling centres for special topics, such as education, separation/divorce, youth welfare office, social welfare office, pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counselling centres, etc.
Konzeptionelles / Besonderheiten
(Cry) Baby consultation:
- Is your baby very restless, not eating properly or crying very often?
- You feel insecure, helpless or overloaded.
- Do you need a new perspective on the current situation?
- Visit the (crying) baby consultation with an experienced family midwife on our premises. Here you have the opportunity to talk calmly about the things and thoughts that are bothering you and can look for solutions or further support options together with our specialist.
Your contact person for appointments:
Kathrin Schmidt, family midwife
Specialist counsellor for Emotional First Aid
Telephone: 06171/208230
Mail: info@hebks.de
Homepage: www.hebks.de
Our family midwives:
- are state-certified midwives with additional qualification
- accompany pregnant women, mothers and fathers in need of support
- can support you in the first year of your child's life
- point out further support options if needed
- are bound to professional secrecy and support you free of charge.
Family midwives offer:
Advice and guidance on the following topics:
Birth preparation
- Nutrition and care
- Everyday family life with an infant
- Home visits within the 1st year of your child's life
- Counselling after the birth of your child
- Counselling during pregnancy
Household budget counselling for young families
Get an overview of your current and future finances in good time during your pregnancy.
The debtor and insolvency advice service of the Hochtaunuskreis will be happy to advise you free of charge and anonymously if you wish. Together, we will draw up an overview of your income, expenses and any existing debts and assess your situation on this basis.
Intercultural Café Kinderwagen:
- Pregnant?
- Newlyweds?
- Mummy/daddy with a small child?
- Would you like to meet other families?
Then we cordially invite you to visit our Café Kinderwagen.
Here you can get tips and tricks from our family midwife for the exciting time with baby and exchange ideas with like-minded people over a healthy breakfast.
At the same time, babies and children can let off steam on the toy blanket.
The offer is free of charge, prior registration is not required.
Everyone is welcome!
Where: EV. GEMEINDEHAUS | Schulstraße 10a |
When: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month from 9.30am -11.30am
Target group / eligibility criteria
- Pregnant women and parents with children up to the age of 3 who live in the Hochtaunuskreis.
Costs / Admission requirements
The service is free of charge.