Health is Handmade Ayurvedic Women's Health

- Hospitalstr. 6, 61440 Oberursel
- Pia Susanna Burkhardt
- 0177 5665668
Opening hours/ consultation hours
- Appointments by arrangement
- Monday-Friday 9.00-18.00
- Saturday 9.00-14.00
- Ayurvedic women's health
- Hormonal balance
- Conception preparation
- Ayurvedic antenatal care and treatments
- Ayurvedic birth preparation and postpartum care as well as strengthening treatments after birth
Foreign language skills / skills in the area of migration
- English
Target group / exclusion criteria
For women after childbirth
Costs / Access requirements
From 95 Euros for manual therapy (90 minutes)
Conceptual/ special features
Support for mothers on a physical and mental level with the help of e.g:
- nutritional medicine
- manual therapy
- Strengthening mental flexibility
Important cooperations / cooperation partners
VEAT Association of European Ayurveda Physicians and Therapists
Offer in the area of "early help" (0 - 6 years)
Ayurvedische Begleitung nach der Geburt zur Stärkung der Mutter auf körperlicher und mentaler Ebene z. B.:
- Wochenbettbehandlungen
- Hormonelle Massage Behandlung
- Stringussbehandlung zur vegetativen Stabilsiierung
- Ayurvedische Beratung nach der Geburt