Introducing solids

At the age of 5-6 months, your child begins to show new interest in their environment and what’s going on at the table. “What are my parents eating and drinking? It looks very different from what I have…”

Your child wants to join in at the family dinner table and adapt to other forms of eating. They grab at food on a plate, if allowed, and explore their foodstuffs with their mouth and tongue.

In addition, solids provide additional nutrients for your child, giving them the chance to discover new tastes and consistencies.

It’s time to introduce solids. This is exciting!

  • What’s the best way to get started?
  • What comes after vegetable-potato-(meat) mashed baby food, and when?
  • From a jar or homemade?
  • Are there quick, inexpensive and uncomplicated recipes? Suitable for the whole family?
  • What and how much should my child drink?
  • Should I be worried about possible allergies?
  • What to do if my child refuses baby food?
  • What are the alternatives for taking care of my child’s physical development but also their preferences and dislikes?


During the open consultation hours at Oberursel Parental Support Centre (Mondays from 10:00 – 12:00 and Wednesdays from 13:00 – 15:00, Tel.: 06171 585358), you can receive advice from child nutrition specialist without prior appointment.


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