Housing benefits

Tenants and owners have the possibility to receive a financial subsidy for the costs of owner-occupied housing on the basis of the Housing Subsidy Act.

Tenants receive housing benefit as a rent subsidy, owners as an encumbrance subsidy.

Amount of subsidy:

  • The amount of housing benefit depends on the size of the family, the eligible housing costs and the income level.
  • The granting of housing benefit depends on the application.
  • As a rule, the grant period is 12 months. If a repeat application is submitted after this period, the personal, economic and material requirements must be proven again.

Recipients of the following benefits are excluded from housing benefit:

  • Citizen's and social benefit according to SGB XII
  • Assistance towards subsistence according to SGB XII
  • Basic security benefits in old age and reduction in earning capacity according to SGB XII
  • Supplementary assistance towards subsistence or other assistance towards subsistence according to the Federal Supply Law
  • Basic benefits and benefits in special cases under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
  • Child and youth welfare benefits under Book VIII of the Social Code, if all persons belonging to the household are recipients of these benefits.

Application and counselling:

Stadt Oberursel (Taunus)
Geschäftsbereich Familie, Bildung und Soziales
Sozialer Dienst und Wohnungswesen

We would be happy to send you the application for housing benefit!

Further information and advice as well as application:

Department 50.60 Student grants – Housing benefit – Alimony
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1-5
61352 Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe

Appointments by arrangement only: Telefon 06172/9990


Wohngeldantrag (Mietzuschuss)

Wohngeldantrag (Lastenzuschuss)


Wohngeldgesetz (WoGG)

Wohngeldinformationen der Bundesregierung