Parental allowance

Elterngeld erhalten alle Eltern, deren Kinder nach dem 01.01.2007 geboren wurden. Das Elterngeld stellt einen Einkommensersatz dar, der für die ersten 12-14 Lebensmonate eines Kindes gezahlt wird und bietet Familien damit einen Schonraum für einen guten Start in das gemeinsame Familienleben.

According to § 1 Paragraph 1 of the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz, BEEG), anyone is entitled to parental allowance who

  • has his or her place of residence or usual abode in Germany
  • lives with his or her child in a joint household
  • cares for and brings up this child themselves and
  • is not in gainful employment or is not in full employment.

The basic parental allowance amounts to at least 300 euros and at most 1,800 euros.

Parental allowance plus amounts to at least 150 euros and a maximum of 900 euros.

You can also receive parental allowance/parental allowance plus if you had no income beforehand. Or also if you had income before the birth and also have such a high income during receipt that the calculated parental allowance would be less than 300 euros because of the small difference or because it no longer exists.

For births after 01 September 2021, it is possible to work a maximum of 32 hours during receipt.

 If you have other children who also live in your household, you can receive a supplement to your parental allowance, the so-called sibling bonus. Your parental allowance is then increased by 10%, at least by 75 euros per month for basic parental allowance or by 37.50 euros per month for parental allowance plus.

The parental allowance is always offset against the citizen's allowance, so the job centre must be informed about the application for parental allowance.

Application in accordance with § 7 BEEG:

  • the application must be submitted on time and in writing to the correct parental allowance office,
  • the following documents are required:
    • a copy of the parents’ I.D.
    • the child’s birth certificate
    • proof of income prior to birth
    • health insurance record of maternal allowance
    • letter from employer outlining granted parental leave

Offices responsible for the applications:

Social Security Office (Versorgungsamt) in Frankfurt
60439 Frankfurt/Main, Walter-Möller-Platz 1
Tel.: 069/15 67 - 1 (Head Office)
Office A – K 069/ 1567 – 470
Office L – Z 069/ 1567 – 471
Fax: 069/15 67 491

The service team of the BMFSFJ will be happy to advise you
Telephone: 030 201 791 30 from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


  • 02.09.2025

Infoveranstaltung zum Thema Elterngeld und Elternzeit

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