Education and participation package

All families who receive the following benefits are entitled to receive benefits from the education package:

  • Bürgergeld
  • Social benefit
  • Social assistance according to SGB XII or according to § 2 AsylbLG
  • Child supplement
  • Housing benefit

Applications for benefits

The Education and Participation Package Act offers better opportunities for all children to receive education and leisure activities.

City of Oberursel (Taunus)
Division Family, Education and Social Affairs
Responsibility with the 1st letter of the surname :

A - K Verena Zahn Tel. 502-240   Mail:
L - Z Heike Fritsch Tel. 502-253  Mail:

This is what is in the education package

Culture, sports, participation:

No child should be excluded from leisure activities, but should be able to participate in sports, games or culture. Even offers for the very young are covered by contributions of 15,- per month max. 180,- per year.

School supplies:

To ensure that all children are equipped with the necessary learning materials, a subsidy is transferred to them twice a year - 130,- Euro at the beginning of the school year and 65,- Euro at the second half of the year.

Pupil transport:

Particularly those who attend a secondary school often have a long way to go to school. If the transport costs are necessary and are not covered elsewhere, these expenses are reimbursed.

Learning support:

Pupils can take advantage of learning support if this is the only way to achieve the learning goal - usually promotion to the next grade. The prerequisite is that the school confirms the need and that there are no comparable school offers.

Lunch in day-care centres, schools and after-school care centres:

If a day-care centre, school or after-school care centre offers such a service, the costs for lunch are covered in full without co-payment.

Lunch at a day-care centre, school or after-school care centre is covered in full without co-payment.

Day trips and school trips:

One-day excursions to schools and day-care centres are additionally financed. The costs of school trips in Germany lasting several days are subsidised upon application.